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Airports in Mexico

67 airports

MMAA Acapulco Gen Juan N Alvarez International

MMPQ Aeropuerto De Palenque

MMAS Aguascalientes Jesus Teran International

MMBT Bahias De Huatulco International

MMSL Cabo San Lucas International

MMCP Campeche Alberto Acuna Ongay International

MMUN Cancun International

MMCM Chetumal International

MMCT Chichen-Itza International

MMCU Chihuahua Gen Div P A Roberto Fierro Villalobos International

MMCE Ciudad Del Carmen International

MMCS Ciudad Juarez Abraham Gonzalez International

MMCN Ciudad Obregon International

MMCV Ciudad Victoria Gen Pedro Jose Mendez International

MMIA Colima

MMCZ Cozumel International

MMCB Cuernavaca Gen Mariano Matamoros

MMCL Culiacan International

MMDO Durango International

MMES Ensenada Gen Div P A A L Salinas Carranza

MMGL Guadalajara Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla International

MMGM Guaymas Gen Jose Ma Yanez International

MMHO Hermosillo Gen Ignacio Pesqueira Garcia International

MMZH Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo International

MMIT Ixtepec Mil Air Base No 2 - Gen Antonio Cardenas Rodriguez

MMLP La Paz Gen Manuel Marquez De Leon

MMLO Leon De Guanajuato International

MMLT Loreto International

MMLM Los Mochis Valle Del Fuerte International

MMZO Manzanillo Costalegre International

MMMA Matamoros Gen Servando Canales International

MMMZ Mazatlan Gen Rafael Buelna International

MMMD Merida International

MMML Mexicali Gen Rodolfo Sanchez Taboada International

MMMX Mexico City Benito Juarez International

MMMT Minatitlan International

MMMV Monclova International

MMAN Monterrey Del Norte International

MMMY Monterrey Gen Mariano Escobedo International

MMMM Morelia Gen Francisco J Mujica International

MMNL Nuevo Laredo Quetzalcoatl International

MMOX Oaxaca Xoxocotlan International

MMPG Piedras Negras International

MMPA Poza Rica Tajin

MMPB Puebla Hermanos Serdan International

MMPS Puerto Escondido International

MMPE Puerto Penasco Del Mar De Cortes International

MMPR Puerto Vallarta Lic Gustavo Diaz Ordaz International

MMQT Queretaro International

MMRX Reynosa Gen Lucio Blanco International

MMIO Saltillo Plan De Guadalupe International

MMSD San Jose Del Cabo Los Cabos International

MMSP San Luis Potosi Ponciano Arriaga International

MMSM Santa Lucia Felipe Angeles International

MMTM Tampico Gen Francisco Javier Mina International

MMTN Tamuin

MMTP Tapachula International

MMEP Tepic International

MMTJ Tijuana Gen Abelardo L Rodriguez International

MMTO Toluca Lic Adolfo Lopez Mateos International

MMTC Torreon International

MMTL Tulum Felipe Carrillo Puerto International

MMTG Tuxtla Gutierrez Angel Albino Corzo

MMPN Uruapan Lic And Gen Ignacio Lopez Rayon

MMVR Veracruz Gen Heriberto Jara International

MMVA Villahermosa C P A Carlos Rovirosa International

MMZC Zacatecas Gen Leobardo C Ruiz International